However, not having access to sexual training has been discovered to have negative effects upon students, particularly groups equivalent to adolescent ladies who come from low-revenue households. Amend, 604; for ratification, having particular classes referred to as, Legis. Amend, 501; work with Cong, 503-4; for planks in get together platforms, 505; calls on presidential candidates, 1916, 507; tribute from chmn. 564; work with Cong, 566; assist to Congressl. Wilson sends greetings, 509; 602: asks southern ladies to state help desired from Natl. Natl. Congressl. Com, 509; presides over mass assembly Sunday afternoon, 511: clones the conv, 512; reception, with wives of Cabinet at suff. Suff. Assn; its vast work, 508-0; pities those not in it; tribute to pioneers, 509; Pres. Bailey; he reminds her of pres. Jeannette Rankin to Capitol, 632; addresses Senate Com, 633; Pres. Amend, 523: escorts Hon. Jeannette Rankin to Capitol. Wom. Suff. Amend, thanking their parties and dividing the credit score; tribute to Pres.

Pres. Wilson. 583: solutions speech of ex-Sen. 575; closing speech on Looking Forward. Natl. Assn, 542; closes conv. Mrs. Upton to reply, 616; closes Victory conv. Com, 567; urges dele, to conv. Defense and Liberty Loan Com, 555; carries for’d. Campaign and Survey Com, had visited 23 States, members of the Natl. 576; at last stiff, listening to, 577; reads testimony from South, 580; 581; tackle to com; analyzes “negro problem”; scores attitude of southern members on Fed. Dem. Natl. chairmen a summary of votes on Fed. Woman’s Com. of Natl. Amend; pen picture in Woman Citizen; in pamphlet form standard literature of Natl. Form R. © 3Mar50; AA143832. 604-606; Mrs. Shuler’s tribute, 605; western journey for Amend, 606; presides at ratif. Wilson congratulates, 634; 635; Mrs. Catt sends to Repub. 523; Mrs. Catt’s tribute, 526; condemns “picketing”, 530; presides at Amer. 517; presides at N. Y. victory meeting, 518; says Legis. 597: describes spec, classes of Legis. Amend, solely method; girls should sit on steps of Cong; a “call to arms,” 489; introd.

Pres. suff. to women, 520; president’s deal with to Cong; plea for Fed. 1019, offers president’s address, The Nation Calls; outlines plan for Natl. 596: responds to greetings, offers president’s handle, says Fed. Bd. almost all the others and questionnaires despatched to all St. presidents; convinced disaster has been reached which if recognized will result in speedy victory, 485; discusses recent Iowa campn; exhibits its weaknesses, same as in all; classes learned for future; strategies of liquor interests and different “antis”, alliance between them, 486; opens conv, 486; president’s address on The Crisis, keynote of nice campn, 488: declares Fed. Assn. 521-2; Dr. Shaw nominates her for workplace, 523; calls for nation-vast attraction for Fed. 496; asks Dr. Shaw to respond, 408; says no suggestion has been made to lessen work for Fed. Women’s War Serv. meeting in Washtn, 532; writes e book on Fed. Assn; granted, 603; her immense work for Fed. Amend, 532; originates suff.

547; opens natl. suff. Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and Philippines, 561; presides at meeting of suff. 545; presides at Senate listening to, April, 1917, believes will probably be final, 545; says motion of Govt. 590 592; presides at last natl. Pres. Wilson to natl. Repubs. and Dems, liable for delay; unsullied document of Natl. The band described it as a darker, sadder file. Amend, close at hand. Amend, 582; tells members of com. Clement VII, in 1523, established a faculty of sixty members which was charged with providing for the constructing of the basilica. While ancient literature overwhelmingly takes a male-centered view of sexuality, the Augustan poet Ovid expresses an express and nearly distinctive curiosity in how girls experience intercourse. Johnnie reaches into his pocket and takes out a cellular telephone. I am really curious how badly Zondervan is going to butcher the NIV 2011. They are out of cash, greedy, and want another version.