Universe there be required a finite energy, though very great as compared of that which sufficeth to move the Earth onely; but is there not implied therein a higher a part of the infinite power, nor is that half lesse infinite which remaineth unimploy’d. In order that to use unto a specific effect, a bit of more, or a little bit lesse energy, importeth nothing; moreover that the operation of such vertue, hath not for its sure or end the Diurnal Motion onely; but there are a number of other motions on the earth, which we know of, and many others there could also be, which are to us unknown. And first, tell me, Simplicius, just isn’t the conclusion, which we search the reality of, Whether we ought to hold with Aristotle and Ptolomy, that the Earth onely abiding with out motion within the Centre of the Universe, the Cœlestial bodies all transfer, or else, Whether the Starry Sphere and the Sun standing still in the Centre, the Earth is without the same, and proprietor of all these motions that in our seeming belong to the Sun and fastened Stars?
I am very assured and sure, that for the proving of a true and crucial conclusion, there are in nature not onely one,For proof of true conclusions, many solid arguments could also be produced, however to prove a falsity, none. Sagr.And these two conclusions, are they not of such a nature, that considered one of them should essentially be true, and the opposite false? But you might count on to hear of different Novelties, and also you shall see the followers of this new Systeme produce in opposition to themselves observations, experiences, and reasons of farre larger drive than those alledged by Aristotle, Ptolomy, and different opposers of the same conclusions, and by this implies you shall come to ascertain your self that they weren’t induced by want of data or expertise to comply with that opinion. I couldn’t really say, that that they had took up this opinion out of ignorance, vanity, or to shew the acutenesse of their wits. Sagr.What pity it’s that Guns weren’t utilized in Aristotles age, he would with assist of them have easily battered down ignorance, and spoke with out hæsitation of these mundane factors.
Sagr.This is an indication that those causes that hitherto seemed concluding unto you, and assured you in the truth of your opinion, begin to vary countenance in your thoughts, and to let you by levels, if not imbrace, at least look towards the contrary tenent; but I, which were hitherto indifferent, do tremendously hope to amass relaxation and satisfaction by our future discourses, and also you won’t deny but I may, if you please but to hear what perswadeth me to this expectation. Simpl.Really they are; and now I see with how many admirable experiments Nature is happy to favour us, wherewith to assist us in the data of the reality. I will, with the favour of this Philosopher, adde something more; and also you Simplicius personating him, answer me to what I shall ask you:The argument taken from issues falling perpendicularly, another manner confuted. For the Range of the Ball in both the shots being made by the Tangent, that’s, by a line parallel to the Horizon, and being that in the diurnal motion, if it’s of the Earth, the Horizon goeth regularly descending towards the East, and rising from the West (subsequently the Oriental Stars seem to rise, and the Occidental to decline) so that the Oriental mark would descend below the aime, and thereupon the shot would fly too high, and the ascending of the Western mark would make the shot aimed that means range too low; in order that the Peece would never carry true in the direction of any point; and for that expertise telleth us the contrary, it is requisite to say, that the Earth is immoveable.
We are satisfied that, with a wider range of facts and higher deliberation in handling them, lots of the hasty generalizations which we have now identified wouldn’t have occurred. Now suppose, for example, that the range of the ball shot West have been 5 miles, and that the Earth in the identical parallel and in the time of the Bals ranging ought to take away three miles, the Ball on this case would fall eight miles distant from the Culverin, particularly, its own 5 Westward, and the Culverins three miles Eastward: however the range of the shot in the direction of the East can be but two miles lengthy, for a lot is the remainder, after you will have substracted from the five miles of the range, the three miles which the Peece had moved in direction of the identical half. And the stability of the Earth is no lesse confirmed by two different shots made North and South; for they would never hit the mark, however the Ranges would be alwayes wide, or towards the West, by meanes of the take away the mark would make, being carried together with the Earth in the direction of the East, whil’st the ball is flying.And it’s likewise confirmed by two shots in direction of the East, and in the direction of the West.