a man in a simulation of riding a motorcycle with a vr headset Senegambia, a tract of territory mendacity chiefly throughout the basins of the rivers Senegal and Gambia, West Africa, stretching from the Atlantic, between Cape Blanco and the mouth of the Gambia, inland to the Niger; embraces the French colony of Senegal, and various sick-outlined native States under the suzerainty of France; the interior part can also be called the French Soudan; the vast expanse of the contiguous Sahara in the N., and stretches of territory on the S., extending to the Gulf of Guinea, are also inside the French sphere of affect, altogether forming an immense territory (1,000), of which St. Louis (q. Senegal, an vital river of West Africa, formed by the junction, at Bafulabé, of two head-streams rising within the highlands of Western Soudan; flows NW., W., and SW., a course of 706 m., and discharges into the Atlantic 10 m. Senegal (136), a French colony of West Africa, mendacity along the banks of the Senegal River.

Senussi, a Mohammedan brotherhood in the Soudan, based by Mohammed-es-Senussi from Mostaganem, in Algeria, who flourished between 1830 and 1860. The brotherhood, outstanding for its austere and fanatical zeal, has ramified into many parts of N Africa, and workout routines appreciable influence, fostering resistance to the encroachments of the invading European powers. Sennaar (8), capital of a district of the Eastern Soudan, which lies between the Blue and the White Nile, situated on the Blue Nile, 160 m. The hinder wings are yellow, with a broad black border bearing a marginal row of white spots: anterior a part of the thorax noticed with white; abdomen brown. Seneca, L. Annæus, philosopher, son of the previous, born at Cordova, and brought to Rome when a toddler; practised as a pleader on the bar, studied philosophy, and turned the tutor of Nero; acquired great riches; was charged with conspiracy by Nero as a pretext, it is believed, to procure his wealth, and ordered to kill himself, which he did by opening his veins until he bled to dying, a gradual course of and an agonising, owing to his age; he was of the Stoic college in philosophy, and wrote various treatises bearing chiefly on morals; d.

Emory University School of Law. Carlyle to the medical doctors of the fashionable faculty of Enlightenment, or march-of-intellect faculty. Serampur (36), a town of modern facet in India, on the Hooghly, 13 m. Senate (i. e. “an assembly of elders”), a reputation first bestowed by the Romans on their supreme legislative and administrative meeting; its formation is historically ascribed to Romulus; its powers, at their biggest throughout the Republic, step by step diminished beneath the Emperors; in fashionable instances is used to designate the “Upper House” within the legislature of varied nations, e. Septuagint, a model, and the oldest of any identified to us, of the Hebrew Scriptures in Greek, executed at Alexandria, in Egypt, by different translators at completely different intervals, commencing with 280 B.C.; it is thought because the Alexandria version, whereas the name Septuagint, or LXX., was given to it on the bottom of the tradition that it was the work of 70, or somewhat 72, Jews, who had, it’s alleged, been Drought from Palestine for the purpose, and have been fabled, in accordance to 1 tradition, to have executed the whole in as many days, and, according to a different, to have each performed the whole other than the remainder, with the consequence that the version of each was discovered to correspond phrase for word with that of all the others; it began with the translation of the Pentateuch and was continued from that point till 130 B.C.

And there’s one other obvious point, which shouldn’t be omitted whereas we’re talking of the ethical effect of the writings of Euripides, viz. Although no single idea on the cause of sexual orientation has but gained widespread support, there may be significantly more proof supporting nonsocial causes of sexual orientation than social ones, particularly for males. In a court docket filing on Wednesday night, Agnifilo requested Subramanian to impose a “gag order” prohibiting prosecutors and federal agents from disclosing evidence to the media. Seraphim, angels of the best order and of etheriel temper, represented as guarding with veiled faces the Divine glory, and regarded to have initially denoted the lightning darting out from the black thunder-cloud. Serjeant-at-Arms, an officer attendant on the Speaker of the House of Commons, whose obligation it’s to preserve order and arrest any offender against the rules of the House. Seneschal, an important functionary at the courts of Frankish princes, whose duty it was to superintend family feasts and ceremonies, features equal to these of the English High Steward.