Sand, George, the assumed title of Aurore Dupin, notable French novelist, born in Paris; married Baron Dudevant, a man of means, however with no literary sympathies; became the mother of two kids, and after 9 years effected a separation from him (1831) and went to Paris to push her way in literature, and involved herself in some sad liaisons, notably with Alfred de Musset (q. Not very long ago, in a sure English newspaper, a particular column was devoted to accounts of the chastisement of children, and especially of ladies. Sanderson, Burdon, English physiologist; professor of Physiology first at University College, London, and since 1882 at Oxford; is one of the best authorities on the topic; b. San José (19), capital of Costa Rica, situated on a fertile and elevated plain between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific; grain, the vine, and lots of fruits are grown in the neighbourhood; flour-milling and distilling (Government works) are the principal town industries; there’s a college.
2, Capital (7) of latest Mexico, U.S.; holds an elevated site amid the Rockies; is the centre of a good mining district; has the oldest Spanish cathedral within the United States. W. of Austin; has a Catholic school, cathedral, arsenal, &c.; does a great commerce within the produce of a fertile neighbourhood, and manufactures flour, leather, beer, &c. NW. of Melbourne; came into existence with the “gold rush” of 1851; mines are nonetheless of value; an excellent trade in grain, brewing, iron-founding, &c., can be completed. Golden Gate Strait; has practically sprung into existence since the discovery of gold in 1847, and is now a spacious and evenly laid-out city, with each trendy convenience-electric light, cable tramways, &c.; most of the dwelling-homes are of wood, but marble and granite give dignity to Government buildings, lodges, theatres, &c.; there’s a remarkable variety of religious sects; has a fantastic park, many free faculties, numerous faculties, and a university; because the western terminus of the good continental railroads and outlet for the produce of a rich wheat district it has a large delivery commerce; essential industries are shipbuilding, whale-fishing, sugar-refining, iron-works, &c. Santander (42), a flourishing port of North Spain, stands on a fine bay going through the Bay of Biscay, 316 m.
San Domingo (25), capital of the Dominican Republic, a fortified port on the S. coast of Hayti; has a 16th-century Gothic cathedral, college, hospital, &c.; founded by Columbus. Santiago (393), capital of Chile, beautifully situated on a large fertile and elevated plain overhung on the N. and E. by the snow-clad peaks of the Andes, 90 m. San Marino (8), somewhat republic of Europe which has maintained its independence because the 4th century; contains a city (identical title) and several villages occupying rocky and elevated websites on the japanese slopes of the Apennines; some agriculture and cattle-rearing are executed; is below the pleasant protection of Italy. San Diego (16), a thriving port in S. California, situated on a handsome bay of the same name, 124 m. San Juan (12), on a river of the same title, is the capital, lies 98 m. San Juan (125), a mountainous province of the Argentine Republic, on the Chilian border; is wealthy in metals, but, save coal, not worked; agriculture is the chief business. Santa Cruz or Teneriffe (13), capital and chief seaport of the Canary Islands, situated on the NE. Santa Fé, 1, on the Rio Solado, capital (15) of a wealthy agricultural province (240) of the Argentine Republic, mendacity N. of Buenos Ayres.
Santals, one of many aboriginal tribes of India, inhabiting a district in the province of Bengal, which stretches southward from the Ganges; they’re mainly hunters, but in addition agriculturists; dwell by the forest edges, are fond of music, and are sun-worshippers; number considerably over a million. Sandwich (3), one of many old Cinque Ports (q. Sandwich Islands. See Hawaiian Islands. Salv.Yes doubtless, as I am able by many experiments to exhibit: however for the present, let this onely of the stiliard suffice: wherein you see that the sunshine finish of the beam is then capable of sustain and equilibrate the nice Wool-sack, when its distance from the centre, upon which the stiliard resteth and turneth, shall so much exceed the lesser distance, by how much the absolute gravity of the Wool-sack exceedeth that of the pendent weight. Sangraal. See Graal, Holy. This fish was met with in Sydney Cove, Port Jackson, by Lieutenant Watts, and is alleged to be full as voracious as any of the genus, in proportion to its size; for after having lain on the deck for 2 hours, seemingly quiet, on Mr. Watts’s dog passing by, the shark sprung upon it with all of the ferocity conceivable, and seized it by the leg; nor might the canine have disengaged himself had not the folks close to at hand come to his help.