Little Girl With Santa “The Bride of Lammermoor,” “Ivanhoe,” “The Monastery,” “The Abbot,” “Kenilworth,” and “The Pirate” belong to the years that succeeded that illness, and all more or less witness to its sorrowful effects, of which last “The Abbot” and “The Monastery” are reckoned the perfect, as nonetheless illustrating the “essential powers” of Scott, to which may be added “Redgauntlet” and “The Fortunes of Nigel,” characterised by Ruskin as “quite noble ones,” along with “Quentin Durward” and “Woodstock,” as “both of high worth.” Sir Walter’s personal life was, in its internal essence, an even-flowing one, for there have been in it no crises resembling to require a reversal of the poles of it, and a spiritual new beginning, with crucifixion of the previous nature, and hence it is definitely divisible, because it has been divided throughout, into the three natural periods of progress, exercise, and death. Scotland has been of regular and speedy growth, manufactures, commerce, and literature (in all branches) having flourished wonderfully. Scopas, Greek sculptor, born at Paros, who flourished in 4th century B.C. Greek phrases for a girl who prefers intercourse with another lady include hetairistria (examine hetaira, “courtesan” or “companion”), tribas (plural tribades), and Lesbia; Latin words embrace the loanword tribas, fricatrix (“she who rubs”), and virago.

Colonial era brownstone homes in Philadelphia Scots, The, a tribe of Celts from Ireland who settled within the W. of North Britain, and who, having gained the ascendency of the Picts in the E., gave to the whole nation the name of Scotland. Scott, Sir Walter, the good romancer, born in Edinburgh, via each father and mom of Scottish Border blood; his father, a lawyer, a man “who handed from the cradle to the grave without making an enemy or losing a buddy,” his mom slightly kindly girl, stuffed with most vivid memories, awakening an curiosity in him to which he owed much; was a healthy baby, but from teething and other causes lost using his proper limb when 18 months outdated, which decided, to a marked extent, the course of his life; spent most of the months of his childhood within the country, the place he acquired that affection for all pure objects which by no means left him, and a kindliness of soul which all of the lower animals that approached him had been fast to recognise; he was from the primary dwelling-bred, and to realise the like around his personal individual was his fondest dream, and if he failed, because it chanced he did, his vexation was due to not the material loss it involved, but to the blight it shed on his dwelling life and the disaster on his home relationships; his school training yielded results of the smallest account to his normal education, and a author of books himself, he owed less to e book-data than his personal shrewd commentary; he proceeded from the college (the High school, it was) at 15 to his father’s office and lessons on the University, and at both he continued to develop his own bent greater than the study of regulation or studying; at his sixteenth yr the bursting of a blood-vessel prostrated him in bed and enforced a interval of perfect stillness, however throughout this time he was in a position to prosecute sundry quiet studies, and laid up in his reminiscence nice stores of information, for his thoughts was of that wholesome quality which assimilated all that was congenial to it and let all that didn’t concern it slip idly through, reaching thereby his greatest victory, that of changing into an altogether complete man.

Scipio, P. Cornelius, the Elder, surnamed Africanus Major, a celebrated Roman normal; was current on the engagement near the Tacinus and at Cannæ; was appointed proconsul of Spain on the age of 24, and made himself grasp of nearly the whole of it towards the Carthaginians; on his return to Rome was made consul; transferred the seat of battle against Carthage to Africa, and landed at Utica; met Hannibal on the field of Zama, and completely defeated him, and ended the Second Punic War in 202 B.C. Sebastian. St., a Roman soldier at Narbonne, and martyred beneath Diocletian when it was discovered he was a Christian; is depicted in art bound bare to a tree and pierced with arrows, and sometimes with arrows in his hand providing them to Heaven on his knees, he having been shot first with arrows and then overwhelmed to dying. Scipio, P. Cornelius, the Younger, surnamed Africanus Minor, adopted by the previous, the proper identify being L. Paullus Æmelius; after distinguishing himself in Spain proceeded to Africa to participate within the Third Punic War; laid siege to Carthage, took it by storm, and levelled it with the ground in 146 B.C.; he was afterwards despatched to Spain, where he captured Numantia after a stubborn resistance, to the extension of the sway of Rome; he was an upright and magnanimous man, but his character was not proof towards assault; he died by the hand of an assassin.

The cocoons are laid in a smooth earthen dish, with out water; the reel is turned by the best hand, while the thread of four or five cocoons passes over the left thigh of the spinner, and he provides the thread a twist along with his left hand upon his thigh. Scutari (50), a city of Turkey in Asia, on the Bosporus, opposite Constantinople; has a number of high quality mosques, bazaars, &c.; large barracks on the outskirts were used as hospitals by Florence Nightingale through the Crimean War; has large and impressive cemeteries; chief manufactures are of silks, cottons, &c. Lübeck; has a 14th-century cathedral, Renaissance castle, arsenal, &c., and manufactures of lacquered ware, machinery, &c. Scotland (4,026), the northern portion of the island of Great Britain, separated from England by the Solway, Cheviots, and Tweed, and bounded N. and W. by the Atlantic and E. by the German Ocean; inclusive of 788 islands (600 uninhabited), its area, divided into 33 counties, is slightly more than one-half of England’s, but has a coast-line longer by seven-hundred m.; biggest length from Dunnet Head (most northerly level) to Mull of Galloway (most southerly) is 288 m., while the breadth varies from 32 to 175, Buchan Ness being the eastmost level and Ardnamurchan Point the westmost; from rich pastoral uplands in the S.-Cheviots, Moffat Hills, Lowthers, Moorfoots, and Lammermoors-the nation slopes down to the broad, fertile lowland plain-growing superb crops of oats barley, wheat, &c.-which stretches, with a varying breadth of from 30 to 60 m., up to the Grampians (highest peak Ben Nevis, 4406 ft.), whence the country sweeps northwards, a wild and lovely tract of mountain, valley, and moorland, diversified by some of the finest loch and river scenery on this planet; the east and west coasts current outstanding contrasts, the latter rugged, irregular, and sometimes precipitous, penetrated by long sea-lochs and fringed with quite a few islands, and mild and humid in local weather; the previous low and common, with few islands or inlets, and cold, dry, and bracing; of rivers the Tweed, Forth, Tay, Dee, and Clyde are the principal, and the Orkneys, Shetlands, and Hebrides the chief island groups; coal and iron abound in the lowlands, extra especially in the plain of the Forth and Clyde, and granite within the Grampians; staple industries are the manufacture of cottons, woollens, linen, jute, machinery, hardware, paper, and shipbuilding, of which Glasgow is the centre and industrial metropolis, while Edinburgh (capital) is the chief seat of legislation, training, &c.; of cultivated land the percentage varies from 74.Eight in Fife to 2.Four in Sutherland, and over all is simply 24.2; good roads, canals, intensive railway and telegraph systems knit all parts of the nation collectively; Presbyterianism is the established type of religion, and in 1872 the old parish colleges were supplanted by a nationwide system underneath faculty-boards much like England; the lowlanders and highlanders nonetheless retain distinctive characteristics of their Teutonic and Celtic progenitors, the latter speaking in many components of the Highlands their native Gaelic; originally the home of the Picts (q.