a couple standing in an arid land Borneo, and extending to the Philippines; belongs to the Spaniards who, in 1876, subdued the piratical Malay inhabitants; the commerce in pearls and edible nests is primarily carried on by Chinese. Where color is affected, the greater brilliancy virtually all the time belongs to the male intercourse, as in birds. In crocodiles the protodaeum is rather shallow, but long; from its ventral wall arises the unpaired copulatory organ, the basal investing membranes of which proceed into the ventral half of the uro-proctodaeal fold, close to which open the male ducts. The number of Uranians of all shades and characters, from the honoured, aristocratic citizen, to the male prostitute of the lowest sort, in such capitals as Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Munich, (the place similisexuality is rampant much more overtly than in Milan, Lisbon or Naples) in Vienna, Rome, London, New York and so on, might be set, in each place, at 1000’s. More dreaded than the Helloi are the Hingchābi (hing, alive, chāba, to eat). Tears are graded in line with their severity.

1115 m., and an area more than three times that of England; is mountainous, volcanic, lined in central parts by virgin forest, abounds in rivers and lakes, and possesses an exceptionally wealthy flora and peculiar fauna; rainfall is plentiful; some gold and coal are labored, but the chief merchandise are rice, sugar, espresso, tobacco, petroleum, pepper, &c.; the island is primarily beneath Dutch management, but much of the unexplored centre remains to be within the palms of savage tribes who’ve waged continuous warfare with their European invaders. Malay Peninsula to North Australia, including Sumatra, Timor, &c., but more accurately designates the islands Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sandalwood Island, &c., which lie between Java and Timor, are under Dutch suzerainty, and produce the same old East Indian products. Sumatra (3,572, including adjacent islands), after Borneo the largest of the East Indian islands, stretches SE. Sunda Islands, a name sometimes utilized to the lengthy chain of islands stretching SE. Sunnites, the orthodox Mohammedans, a name given to them because they settle for the Sunna, i.

Supererogation, Works of, name given in the Roman Catholic theology to works or good deeds carried out by saints over and above what is required for their very own salvation, and the benefit of which is held to be transferable to others in want of indulgence. Superior, Lake, largest recent-water lake on the globe, lies between the United States and Canada, the boundary line passing by means of the centre; space, 31,200 sq. m., nearly the scale of Ireland; most depth, 1008 ft.; St. Mary’s River, the one outlet, a short rapid stream, carries the overflow to Lake Huron; receives upwards of 200 rivers, however none of first-class importance, largest is the St. Louis; is dotted with quite a few islands; water is singularly clear and pure, and abounds with fish; navigation is hindered in winter by shore-ice, however the lake by no means freezes over. Sun, The, is a star; is the centre of the solar system, as it’s in consequence referred to as, is a globe consisting of a mass of vapour at white heat, and of such monumental dimension that it is 500 instances bigger than all the planets of the system put collectively, or of a bulk one million and a half instances larger than the earth, from which it’s ninety-two and a half million miles distant; the vivid surface of it is called the photosphere, and this brightness is diversified with brighter spots known as faculæ, and darkish ones referred to as sun-spots, and by watching which latter as they transfer over the sun’s disk we find it takes 25 days to revolve on its axis, and by means of spectrum analysis (q.

And lastly, which is the seventh instance, if we attribute the Diurnal Motion to the highest Heaven, it must be constituted of such a force and efficacy, as to hold along with it the innumerable multitude of fastened Stars, Bodies all of vast magnitude, and much bigger than the Earth; and moreover all of the Spheres of the Planets; however that each these and people of their own nature move the contrary means. Balestrone da bolzoni. Stock-bow at half elevation, to the tip the flight might show the greatest that my be, and whil’st the horses shall run, to shoot first towards the half whither you drive, and then one other backwards in the direction of the opposite part, causing some one to mark diligently the place the Chariot was in that second f time when the shaft came to the ground, as effectively within the one shot as in the opposite: for thus you may see precisely how much one shaft flew farther than the opposite. Speaking generally, it may be said that the biology and physiology of reproduction–that is to say, the objective processes–may be described at a comparatively early age; however that cautions concerning masturbation should not, in common cases, be given before the age of thirteen or fourteen; and that instruction in regards to the dangers of venereal infection must be deferred till even later than this.